Every one of us needs Jesus' Divine Mercy, and it's a gift that he gives freely, completely, and constantly. All we have to do is ask and receive, and our lives will never be the same. Jesus, I trust in You!

How are we (youth ministers, volunteers, parents, EVERYONE) called to minister to God’s children in the current landscape of our modern world?

Pat Millea presents "Are You Animated?" at the NET Ministries Lifeline Mass on May 5, 2012. Pat invites young people to get to know the Holy Spirit ("anima") as a person, invite him into the depths of their souls, and allow him to change them from the inside out. Are you animated?

Pat Millea begins his keynote at the NET Ministries Lifeline Mass on May 5, 2012 in an interesting way.


Is there a plan for your body, your identity, your relationships, and your future? Is God the author of that plan, and is it a good plan? How can we know our purpose from the way God made our bodies in His image & likeness? These questions can be confusing & contentious in our culture, but Pat discusses them in the light of love, truth, freedom, & happiness.

What's the big deal about the Mass? Why does the Catholic Church tell us to go to Mass every single weekend? What happens at Mass? What if I think Mass is boring? Pat Millea deals with these questions in an exciting talk for high school youth.

A clip from Pat Millea's keynote entitled "Are You Animated?" at the NET Ministries Lifeline Mass on May 5, 2012.

A clip from Pat Millea's keynote entitled "Are You Animated?" at the NET Ministries Lifeline Mass on May 5, 2012.